Guide for authors
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The article to be drawn according to the requirements and sent to the editorial office in electronic format and additionally on paper in 2 copies.
Attached to the article is the signed author’s contract (for each author).
Every article must have univeral decimal classification index.
Abstracts and key words must be in Russian and English and written in accordance with editorial office requirements.
Article materials to be accompanied with information on each author as follows: last name, name, patronymic, organization of employment and position, academic degree, academic title, address, telephone, e-mail.
It is allowed to specify the name of the program, in the framework of which the work is carried out, or the name of the supporting foundation.
The editorial office reserves the right to execute editorial and prepress correction of the article text preserving the sense and tenor without author’s endorsement.
The editorial office keeps the received manuscript.
The articles published previously or accepted for publishing in other journal shall not be considered by the editorial board.
Typography requirements
While preparing the materials for the journal the authors are required to use the following computer software and file formats:
• text materials to be prepared using Microsoft Word; font – Times New Roman, font size – 14; line spacing – 1,5;
• graphic material: all illustration original to be submitted in separate files: vector illustration – CDR format (Corel Draw, with minimal line weight 0,75 рt), all fonts not in curves. All raster files to be saved with resolution not less than 300 dpi in JPG format.
Optimal manuscript size is 10-14 A4 pages.
Formulas to be typed in Microsoft Equation, included in the Microsoft Office package, or in Math Type program (version 4.0 or later). Illustrations and tables to be serially numbered and referred in the text.
Bibliography to be formed according to the state standard GOST 7.1–2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General compilation requirements and rules».
Sources numeration in bibliography must match the order of references in the text. Source number to be provided in brackets.
Bibliography must include the following information:
- for books – author’s surname and initials, article title, city, publishing house, publication date, volume, number of pages;
- for journal articles, collected papers – author’s surname and initials, article title, journal’s full title, series, year, volume, issue, pages;
- for conference proceedings – author’s surname and initials, article title, publication’s full title, conference’s date and venue, city, publishing house, year, pages.
The publisher is bearing all expenses for journal production and publication. Publication of papers is free of charge for the authors.
All the articles provided for review have their original text tested for the level of uniqueness determined by using the appropriate software that shows the uniqueness of the article, sources used and coincidence of the text by means of Antiplagiat systems.
Дата обновления: 01.09.2022 10:52